Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunrise on Second and Cycle 25 Miles on Tammany Trace Trail

...had a great fall!

Monday, March 22, I pickup the Flamingo puzzle so we can have breakfast like human beings on the table. On my morning walk I see no sign of Shirley to tell her about finding her sock in the laundry. But I do remember to take my camera and snap a picture of Humpty Dumpty who had a great fall at the putt-putt golf course here in the park. I also captured the jumbo chess pieces in disarray. Home to stretch and take down the St. Pat's decor and put up Easter stuff. Gertrude has a new outfit. The ladies at the office next door come by to pick up the loose big rocks on our site. I finish Ray Chandler's "The Big Sleep."

We put the bikes on the rack on back of Big Bertha and head to lunch at Sunrise on Second across from the Post Office downtown Slidell. We had to parellel park in the next block with the bikes on the back. Don't try this at home. The cafe is an old white clapboard house recently turned into an upscale restaurant.

I have Ahi Tuna with smashed sweet potatoes and Asian slaw. Bob has grilled tilapia, Bobos and broccoli. We split Turkey and Sausage Gumbo that has a very salty roue. The two ladies behind us get great looking, huge salads. We'll be back.

Bayou LaCombe Draw Bridge on the trail is open from sunrise to sundown

On to the trail. We set out going west on the Tammany Trace Trail at 1:43. We cycle out 12.5 miles in an hour and a half, finally making it inside Fontainbleau State Park. But to my chagrine we still find no restrooms. So we cycleback for a total of 25.25 miles. That's way too far without a restroom break. Especially since I drank one Gatorade, one bottle of water and one bottle of tea to keep from getting dehydrated. Today I brought grapes, an apple and trail mix to keep us going. Well, actually to keep me going. I didn't get loony today and I stayed up with Bob the whole way. It is a gorgeous, perfect daywith a high of 68 degrees. It felt warmer to me. The low was 51 this morning. It's 7:00 p.m. and 64 degrees with 48% humidity.

Bob rests at a 'shade structure' provided by The American Academy of Dermatology to reduce skin cancer

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