Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Cleaning in Louisiana

Sunday, March 28, I'm up at 7:30 on a board. After breakfast, walk and a stretch we begin a whole-house cleaning including windows and sills. Bob defrosts the freezer which can really ice up in humidity like we had on the Texas Coast. Afterwards we clean ourselves up and go to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch so we can use our on-line half price entree coupon. We're kind of bummed you can get all of the chicken, ribs or steak entrees but no fish. An extended family seems to be having a baby christening celebration in the restaurant. A cute little girl in a very ruffly white chiffon dress with a matching bonnet is the center of attention.

After our chicken dinners we go home to read the paper. As we left the parking lot I snapped a picture of the car at the stoplight next to us. 'Who Dat' fever is still in full force here since the Saints won the Super Bowl. I take a walk and call my sister-in-law, Linda, to see how she liked her recent trip to Ireland. Sounds like the weather was great and she declared Killarney to be her favorite. It was nice to chat with her.

It's 7:25 p.m. and 64 degrees with 31% humidity. The high was 71 and the low was 62. This evening I try to call my friend Glenda in Elgin, TX, several times. She finally calls me back but my phone is charging in the bedroom and I didn't hear it ring. At last I call her and she says she was hobnobbing with the Pine Cone Lane bunch in Cedar Hills, our old neighborhood. Mike smoked a turkey and they all enjoyed it at Joyce and Dan's. Bill and Joanne were there too. Sure would have liked to join them.

I also talked to Marilynn this evening. All is well with her. She had a great day riding her horse, Cory, in this springlike weather. And I talked to Billie. Bud has been back from Sudan for a week. They are in Albuquerque for a bit longer while they get their truck worked on. Sounds like all is well. She was thinking of me too as they are in the RV Park in Albuquerque where we met them. Can it really be three years ago now?

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